Abandoned 7yo boy Found in Japan Forest

The parents of a 7-year-old boy decided to leave their son in a forest to teach him a lesson about throwing rocks at cars. They said that they were only gone for a few minutes and when they came back the boy was gone. The boy was all alone for almost a week. He found an old military hut that had a water source, mattresses to sleep on, but there was no heat or food. Temperatures in the area where the boy was can drop to below 50 degrees. The soldier that found him said that he looked worn out but doing good. After being examined the doctor said that he was dehydrated but otherwise in very good health.
Most people were outraged that the parents would leave their 7-year-old son alone in a bear infested forest all by himself. They believe that in our current time the family is not being instructed on how to raise their children. Some educators don’t believe in punishing the children with abandonment.
The parents have apologized and promised to do better, but most don’t think that any punishment to the parents will happen. Since most families handle their children with corporal punishment in the name of discipline, including beatings, starving the child, and throwing them out of the house. Authorities like local schools don’t respond to the health of the children like when they see bruises or extreme hunger. Child abuse in Japan has risen in the last decade to about 74,000, there has been 700 prosecutions, and 2000 children being placed in foster care.
The parents were very happy that the boy was found alive, sorry they had abandoned him, and promised they would not do it ever again.