Amy Wigfull – Sleepwalker falls from hotel window

Experts say that the only reason she survived the fall was because her body was in such a limp state during the impact. She awoke in hospital two days later, with multiple fractures to her spine, pelvis, ribs and shoulders, in addition to a punctured lung and bleeding on the brain.
After the fall, Amy was tested for both drug and alcohol use. Both of which came back negative. This was simply a case of sleepwalking.
Doctors agreed that the fall would have killed her if she’d been awake and tense, rather than asleep and relaxed. “It’s a miracle I survived,” she said.
Ms. Wigfull apparently did not have any travel insurance and was responsible to pay for some of the medical expenses at a reduced cost. Still a fairly high amount, her family had started a fund raising campaign which helped her to pay the debt.
Lucky and grateful to be alive today, we would hope that Amy Wigfull reserves first floor accommodations when making future travel plans.