
Antarctica’s ice sheet and The Landscape Below

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A groundbreaking new map offers an unprecedented glimpse beneath Antarctica’s ice sheet, revealing the continent’s hidden topography with remarkable precision. This high-resolution terrain map, known as the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA), was released by researchers at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in September 2018. The REMA provides detailed imagery down to the size of a car in some areas, significantly enhancing our understanding of Antarctica’s landscape beneath Antarctica’s ice

The REMA is a product of the BedMachine Antarctica project, which integrates data from radar depth sounding and ice shelf bathymetry to map the sub-surface landmass of Antarctica. Led by the University of California, Irvine, and involving 19 research institutes, this project has unveiled features such as the deepest natural land location worldwide, with bedrock lying 3,500 meters below sea

These advancements are crucial for understanding the dynamics of Antarctica’s ice sheet, which holds about 90% of Earth’s total ice volume and 70% of its fresh water. The insights gained from these maps will aid researchers in tracking changes in the ice as the planet warms, providing valuable data for predicting future sea-level rise and its global

The melting of Antarctica’s ice sheet, unveiling of Antarctica’s hidden landscape marks a significant milestone in polar research, offering a clearer picture of the continent’s structure and informing strategies to address climate change challenges.