Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerous levels. If drastic action is not taken soon it will become a bigger killer than cancer by the year 2050. The report shows that at least 2 million people in the US are infected each year with germs that are resistant to antibiotics, over 23,000 (death rate as high as 50%) are dying from these infections. Testing – more than 5700 samples for nine months – has uncovered 221 unusual bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics and can kill if it gets into the bloodstream, urinary tract, or the lungs. This killing germ is called Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) – the Nightmare Bacteria and cannot be treated with modern medicine.
When antibiotic resistance takes over it will spread so fast that it will become extremely difficult to control. According to the CDC it can pass from person to person even if there is no sign of infection, between hospitals, and also between the germs themselves. There were test studies done in health care facilities where there was found some germs, that are not able to be treated, in some of the patients that were not showing any symptoms of infection.
The CDC asks that all doctors, hospitals, health care facilities, and government help to get this bacteria under control so that it doesn’t spread. Here is a list of ways to combat this before it spreads:
- Early identification of resistant germs
- Use gloves, masks, and gowns while in the rooms of infected patients
- Be sure the rooms are cleaned thoroughly
- Test the patients that are not showing signs of infections
- Continue testing until it is confirmed that the spread has stopped
It’s reported that if these guidelines are followed correctly the superbug CRE may be prevented to spread over a three-year period. Also be sure to wash your hands, keep the infected patient isolated, and test patients that are not showing signs of infection will keep this under control.
Antibiotic resistance is established when the antibiotics are overused.
CDC recommends that we as individuals also follow some guidelines to keep the spread to a minimum.
- Be sure to inform your healthcare provider if you have been out of the country
- Let your healthcare provider know when you have had any infections
- If you have had some infections let your healthcare provider know if you have had them at home or out of the country
- Be sure to wash your hands frequently, clean cuts thoroughly until healed, and use alcohol-based sanitizers
- Get recommended vaccinations
- Talk to your doctor on how to prevent infections