Dolphins Have Names

It turns out that there’s strong evidence to suggest that at least one kind of dolphin sound, studied extensively over the past decade, does function as a kind of referential symbol. Dolphins use distinct “signature whistles” to identify and call to one another.  Each dolphin is thought to invent a unique name for itself as a calf and to keep […]

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How Native American depopulation impacted ecology

Native American depopulation

There is little dispute that in the wake of European colonists’ arrival in the New World, Native American populations were decimated by disease and conflict. But when it comes to the timing, magnitude, and effects of this Native American depopulation — it depends on who you ask. Many scholars claim that disease struck the native population shortly after their first […]

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Poem – Sacked (By Donal Mahoney)

  When we hire people, we like to know their limitations, said Mr. Acre, commandant of personnel.   Look at Phil with his arm and hook. We could see the problem when we hired him. We’ve hired others with limitations   not as obvious and that has backfired. You and I have limitations no one can see. If ours were obvious, someone […]

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