Parents can instill narcissism

Proud parents aren’t doing their kids any favors by constantly telling them they are “special” or “exceptional.” Such praise may be intended to bolster kids’ self esteem, but new research suggests that frequently telling children they are superior to other kids may instill a toxic personality trait: narcissism. The researchers studied 565 children ranging from 7 to 12 years old […]

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Poem – Remembering (for Eduardo Galeano) – By Mankh

Remembering (for Eduardo Galeano) – By Mankh “I’m a writer obsessed with remembering…”                                    – Eduardo Galeano Having heard them before, sometimes when they are nowhere to be seen i hear geese calling. Is this, Eduardo, how you were obsessed with remembering? Once touched by something that commands eyes skyward, heart shifting its pumping, the feet stopping in their tracks […]

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Before The Flood – A Journey for Climate Change

Leonardo DiCaprio - Before The Flood

Before the Flood, directed by Fisher Stevens, is a documentary that captures a three year personal journey of the Academy Award-winning actor and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio. What was Leonardo Dicaprio’s Mission in Before the Flood? His mission was to explore the level of destruction climate change has caused around the world, and to sensitise the world’s nations […]

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