Cartoon – Snake Dreams

Nazi Lair: Teyu Cuare Park, Argentina Nazi lair found: Argentine researchers have discovered what appears to be a Nazi hideout deep in the jungle. The Nazis built shelters in remote areas around the world for their top leaders to retreat to in the event of defeat, and last week the ruins of three stone houses, containing five German coins minted […]
Read more“He didn’t know exactly what to pray for; in which he was like most other people. For our real prayer, if we had the wits or the courage to formulate it, would be a general plea for everything to be all right forever.” – Angela Thirkell
Read moreVERMILLION SPACE (By Joseph Cavera) Think of all the ways we do The things that run all our days through At that clever standing pace Fly up this world’s human race I’d sooner see black comets pass Than the fall of upper brass At least the Earth’s still free and here That’s just till I disappear… So […]
Read moreGermans are sending their aging parents abroad, said Anette Dowideit. With pensions flat and nursing costs rising, families often can’t afford to put Grandma in an elder-care program close to home. So over the past decade, they have turned to countries where such services are much cheaper— mostly in former Eastern bloc states like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and […]
Read more“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Read moreUnderwater Ballet In the wistful – drowning; All dreamers hold their breath; Floating balloon Rests full in blister world before the land. Slippery between skin and scales, Drawn throbbing from the gilled; Great tuna from crustaceans postulated, Anemones new-boned; Parallel concert writhe Curls double joints. Flippers of androgyny Erected supple Thighs hoisted angular Lungs ultra-blown; Last […]
Read more“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
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