Cartoon – Peaceful Uses For Drones

“A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to want it at the expense of everything else.” – Bette Davis
Read moreA Danish politician is trying to stand out from his rivals in national elections by appearing in X-rated campaign posters wearing nothing more than a cowboy hat, a holster, and a determined gaze. John Erik Wagner, 51, who is running for prime minister as an independent, has become known as “the naked cowboy” for the racy ads, which he’s posted […]
Read more“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read moreScientists have found some radioactive dust from a supernova that landed in Antarctica when a star exploded millions of years ago. The radioactive dust from a supernova was discovered under thousands pounds of snow. They are hoping to be able to find out a lot more about the history of our galaxy. Especially how the cosmic environment ended up surrounding […]
Read more“Catholic parents must learn to form their family as a “domestic church,” a church in the home as it were, where God is honored, his law is respected, prayer is a normal event, virtue is transmitted by word and example, and everyone shares the hopes, the problems and sufferings of everyone else. All this is not to advocate a return […]
Read more“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Read moreDaily Paper on the Lawn An hour before dawn the paper is out on the lawn white in the moonlight a trumpet dozing after a long night in a jazz bar tired from playing but willing to play a last set for me not knowing I read only sports and the obits two riffs in the paper anyone can believe Author Bio: Donal Mahoney lives […]
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