The truth about ‘secular’ America

American culture is sick, and secularism is the cause of our disease. That, said Steve Chapman, is the contention of religious conservatives like presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who insist that feminists, liberals, and gay marriage have undermined traditional morality, and that only a return to our Christian roots will cure what ails us. But all evidence suggests that this view […]

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How “stop-and-frisk” backfires

Young people who are randomly stopped for questioning by the police—even if they’ve done nothing wrong—are more likely to engage in criminal behavior later than those who aren’t stopped, a new study has found. University of Missouri researchers say that “stop-and-frisk” programs intended to deter crime may actually create more criminals. Researchers followed 2,600 students for seven years and recorded […]

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Poem – Shaping the Internal (By Chanacee Ruth-Killgore)

Shaping the Internal   Of course it’s about the words…   their weight, their meaning. Stringing them, placing them, cutting them. Wielding them with passion, fury, and sometimes… regret.   With careful measure given to every syllable, every pause. For words are both weapon and salve. Love and hate. Kind and malicious.   Words take root deep within. They linger long into […]

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