Jupiter’s Destructive Path

Earth may owe its existence to the planet Jupiter. New research shows that the giant planet played a key role in the formation of the solar system by barreling through it like a cosmic wrecking ball, destroying existing planets and creating debris that coalesced into new ones, including ours. Astronomers began examining this theory after finding that virtually all of […]

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Elephant slaughter

After decimating the Tanzanian elephant population, poachers have now killed half of the elephants in neighboring Mozambique in just five years.  A survey by Mozambique’s government and the U.S.-based Wildlife Conservation Society found that the herd has shrunk from 20,000 in 2010 to just over 10,000 animals today.  “This decline is due to rampant elephant poaching in the country’s most important […]

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Humans settled, set fire to Madagascar’s forests 1,000 years ago

There’s no question that our species has had a dramatic impact on the planet’s physical environment, particularly over the last few centuries, with the rise of modern industry, transportation, and infrastructure. But as new research shows, humans have been transforming the landscape, with lasting impacts, since long before the start of the Industrial Era. Scientists from MIT and the University […]

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