Cartoon – The Media Is To Blame

A team of expeditioners from Australia has found the remains of the first airplane ever taken to the Antarctic. The find was made at Camp Denison, which is where the remains of the 1912 expedition plane was found. The expedition is in Antarctica to help conserve huts used by the Australian explorer Douglas Mawson in the early twentieth century. The […]
Read more“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke
Read moreHormones found in birth control pills could be polluting the water supply and increasing men’s risk of prostate cancer. That’s the suspicion of Canadian researchers who found that countries that have the highest percentage of women using oral contraceptives also have the highest rates of men with prostate cancer. Women who take birth control pills excrete estrogen from the medication […]
Read more“In America today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops.” – Paul Brooks
Read more“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” – John W. Gardner
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