Envying the lower castes

Suddenly everyone wants to be low-caste, said Badri Narayan. It used to be considered an extreme disadvantage to be in one of India’s oppressed castes or indigenous tribes. But decades of affirmative action and quota systems have changed all that. Now, many lower-middle castes are agitating to be reclassified as “more backward,” in effect “struggling to move down the ladder […]

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Marijuana Usage

College graduates account for only about 17 percent of marijuana use. About 76 percent is consumed by adults who never attended college or dropped out. “Most of the marijuana market is more Walmart than Whole Foods,” says Carnegie Mellon University professor Jonathan Caulkins, author of a new analysis of weed use.

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Nature’s cure for anxiety

People tormented by a neverending flow of negative thoughts can greatly benefit from an alternative to expensive psychotherapy or medications: a walk in the woods. Psychologists at Stanford University found that walking outdoors in natural settings can ward off the human tendency to harp on that breakup, layoff, or family problem. The study involved 38 city participants, some of which […]

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Poem – Accidents Will Happen (By Gary Beck)

Accidents Will Happen   A man walks down the street ears covered with hi-tech headphones playing music from his IPOD, carefully recorded for his listening pleasure, and doesn’t hear the warning sound of a building falling on him.   A woman walks down the street eyes intent on her smartphone’s keyboard texting her friend with urgent fingers, describing her latest […]

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