Meditation delays aging

Meditation doesn’t just improve mental and physical health in the present. It also slows the aging process, and can help meditators stay mentally sharp into old age, a new study has found. Once people reach their mid- to late 20s, their brains begin to lose volume and weight, which can eventually result in the loss of some functional ability. But […]

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Poem – rpm (By Abdulrahman M Abu-yaman)

rpm (rhetorical paradoxi-metaphorisis) scleras, snow white pupils, dilated. brain box, sparking incandescently. he asks the physician: ‘tell me doctor, what’s my malady?’ stares at his sloppy zig-zag manuscript and replies ‘rpm’. not comprehending, he utters, ‘excuse me?’, physician expatiates: ‘rhetorical paradoxi-metaphorisis, a rare cerebral disorder in which the forebrain “wordyfactures” weird grandiloquent and aesthetic phrases and clauses sub- consciously, using […]

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The Navy Has a Supergun

The Navy Has a Supergun

The US Navy is developing a supergun that can destroy a target at about 100 miles away with a bullet that can go eight times the speed of sound when fired.  It would destroy with pinpoint accuracy the target that it is going towards in a matter of minutes.   If everything goes as planned it can be the most powerful […]

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