Russia has plans to nuke Earth-bound asteroids, if necessary

From 2012 to 2015, Russia researched ways of deflecting Earth-bound asteroids using nuclear weapons and came up with a best-case scenario. The Central Scientific Research Institute of Machine Building, an arm of Russia’s state-run Roscosmos space agency, worked on the asteroid problem with other countries (including the United States) in a program called NEOShield, which was largely funded by the […]

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The “Text Neck” Epidemic

  As the world advances with more and more handheld devices, ‘Text Neck’ is becoming a world-wide health concern, affecting millions of all ages and from all walks of life. Widespread overuse of handheld mobile technology is resulting in a harmful and dangerous physical condition on the human body, which is known as ‘Text Neck’. The term, and the health condition, is […]

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Poem – Intrusion (By Gary Beck)

Intrusion   Forced entry into caves, mud huts, castles, log cabins, condos, has been a constant, despite best efforts of self defense, violent penetration usually resulting in looting, rape, slaughter, violation of the dwelling, yet more survive in modern times, courtesy of better law and order.   Gary Beck/Ignition Point ‘Ignition Point’ is an unpublished poetry collection that looks at […]

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Military Bases

The Department of Defense has 562,000 military bases and facilities located around the world, which collectively cover 24.7 million acres—nearly the size of Virginia. Much of that space is now unused, but Congress has barred the Pentagon from conducting a detailed assessment out of fear that bases in home districts would be closed.

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Humanity Trumps Payday

When Chinese fisherman CaiTu hauled in a 200-pound, 100-year-old sea turtle, he knew he had to do the right thing and release the endangered animal. The decision wasn’t easy: Cai could have earned two months’ wages by selling the delicacy to a restaurant, where it would have been made into soup. “I looked into that turtle’s eyes and saw something […]

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In the US the prison psychiatric hospitals are becoming over crowded with mental illness.  About 20% of inmates (approximately 400,000) in jails have been admitted to hospitals.  The countries hospitals can only accommodate about 38,000.  The corrections system has been so overcrowded that now they are known as “The New Asylums.”  Some county’s jails are now housing the mentally ill […]

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