Cartoon – Irony

“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.” – Marcus Aurelius
Read moreAnnette Fredskov, of Naestved, Denmark, ran 26.2 miles every day for a year, despite having multiple sclerosis. She marked the anniversary of her daily feat with a double marathon two weeks ago, running over 52 miles in just over 10 hours. Since July 2012, she has run almost 10,000 miles and worn through 20 pairs of running shoes. Fredskov says […]
Read more“I was into pain reduction and mind expansion, but what I’ve ended up with is pain expansion and mind reduction.” – Carrie Fisher
Read moreTRINITY AFFINITY “And the three men I admire most, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, They caught the last train for the cost The day the music died.” (from Don McLean’s “American Pie”) The three men I admire most, Though passed, remain alive To me because of what they wrote. Their legacies survive. Most favor Verne […]
Read moreInsignificance Late in life I struggle against my insignificance When I should enjoy the freedom from performance before an audience. Applause is happiness but if they withhold applause, embarrassment. When Da Liu put me to work crunching hexagrams and spreadsheet numerology Instead of ghost writing his books about T’ai Chi for longevity I was humiliated but freed. No need to […]
Read moreI take a 12 month chip, a copy of The Iceman Cometh, drape myself in Union blue, cultivate a salesman’s grinning grip. A Valley trip lies ahead, road miles registered in a company car. Spring becoming summer, there’s a ghost in the garden, a feral cat, sensuous in the drying grass. I light a Tiparillo, block walk the […]
Read more“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem
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