What’s It Like to Work and Play in Antarctica’s Mac Town?

Nature films and science documentaries usually portray Antarctica to be nothing but the most cold, isolated, almost anti-social continent on earth — at least if you’re not a penguin — but life at McMurdo Station disproves that. The 2011-2012 Antarctic southern summer season is now alive and kicking (after numerous delays), and “Mac Town” (as the residents of McMurdo call […]

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Poem – THE “BIG BUST?” (By Ray Gallucci)

  THE “BIG BUST?” (Based on the theories of Canadian physicist Paul Marmet, 1932-2005, available at http://www.newtonphysics.on.ca/index.html)   Suppose the “Big Bang” had never occurred, Was really just some Creationist’s word Embellished by physics theories absurd. Would “facts” accepted fall?   Could ever have been an infinite mass Compressed to a point of volumeless plasma Destined to blast a universe […]

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Fetuses Burned To Heat British Hospitals

It has been reported that thousands of aborted and miscarried fetuses have been burned to heat British hospitals. An expose by local British news found that 27 state-run hospital trusts incinerated fetal remains, sometimes burning the bodies with other hospital waste or using them in “waste-to-energy” plants that generate power and heat. In some cases, women who miscarried were told […]

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