Joe Ancis Quote – The Only Normal People

“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.” – Joe Ancis
Read more“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.” – Joe Ancis
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Read more“You hold the answers deep within your own mind. Consciously, you’ve forgotten it. That’s the way the human mind works. Whenever something is too unpleasant, too shameful for us to entertain, we reject it. We erase it from our memories, but the imprint is always there.”
Read moreIt has been reported that thousands of aborted and miscarried fetuses have been burned to heat British hospitals. An expose by local British news found that 27 state-run hospital trusts incinerated fetal remains, sometimes burning the bodies with other hospital waste or using them in “waste-to-energy” plants that generate power and heat. In some cases, women who miscarried were told […]
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