Essay – The Genocide Under the Rug: travelogue (By Mankh)

Part of the mission statement of the Lakota Grandmothers Truth Tour reads: “Wagunpi Woashake Ikickupi (Lakota Elders Take Back Their Strength) is a grassroots movement to end the genocide of the Lakota people and support the full renewal of matriarchal leadership by Lakota Grandmothers on Pine Ridge and across the Lakota Nation. The movement also works to educate non-Natives about […]

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Newsroom Monologue: America Not The Greatest

It’s not the greatest country in the world, professor, that’s my answer. And you’re going to tell students that America’s so star-spangled awesome that we’re the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 […]

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Essay – Laugh Tracks in the Sand: a Tribute to Robin Williams (By Mankh)

“When asked in an interview, ‘How do you define comedy?’.. George Burns responded, ‘If you laugh, it’s comedy.’”[1] The world is a virtual tragi-comedy. Wake up in the morning, spill the coffee on the brand new white rug, start to get angry, then remember the adage “don’t cry over spilled milk,” wonder if it applies to coffee, laugh it off… […]

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Google Glass: Wearing the Internet

Google Glass is no longer a rumor, said Tim Parker in “It’s real.” The company unveiled a prototype of its Internet-equipped eyeglasses last week, announcing that it would give a selected bunch of “bold, creative individuals” the chance to purchase the first version this year for $1,500. The futuristic spectacles have a tiny screen located in the top right-hand […]

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