Poem – Lore (By David Russell)

Lore   Knowledge, as a dish of elusive ice-cubes Floating in acid Touching each one, propels its elusiveness;   The mediation of the utensil cannot be avoided.   Acid me, hand me, cube me; Cuddling smudges, polychromatic pollution, Knowledge spectrum.   He must make a memory of solid metal, So that it cannot be penetrated by knowledge, So that the […]

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Climate report offers a grim forecast

What happened A United Nations panel of the world’s leading environmental scientists issued its most dire warnings on the dangers posed by climate change, saying global warming is already affecting every continent and threatens to devastate food supplies, cause mass extinctions of plants and animals, worsen droughts, and raise the risk of wars over resources. The longer society holds off […]

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Spring break riot

Santa Barbara, Calif. More than 100 people were arrested and dozens—including six police officers—injured last week when a large spring break party near the University of California, Santa Barbara, deteriorated into a riot. An estimated 15,000 people were at the all-day annual “Deltopia” party at the beach community of Isla Vista, near the Santa Barbara campus. Fighting broke out when […]

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