The Pew Research Center asked people in 40 countries if it was necessary to believe in God to be moral. Here is a sample of those who said it was: 95% – Egypt 86% – Brazil 53% – U.S. 14% – China
Read moreThe Pew Research Center asked people in 40 countries if it was necessary to believe in God to be moral. Here is a sample of those who said it was: 95% – Egypt 86% – Brazil 53% – U.S. 14% – China
Read moreThe FBI has files on roughly 77.7 million people in the U.S.—the equivalent of one in three American adults. As many as 12,000 new names are added to its master criminal database every day, largely as the result of minor arrests connected to “zero-tolerance” policies at schools.
Read morePercentage change since 2008 in the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma registering magnitude three or higher: +5,400
Read moreA New York City hotel is offering wealthy guests a chance to go “glamping”—glamorous camping—so they can experience the outdoors with four-star amenities. Guests at New York’s AKA Central Park can spend $2,000 a night to sleep on a queen bed on the terrace of the hotel’s penthouse. “It’s basically being able to sleep under the stars in a luxury […]
Read moreA Polish prisoner triggered a crackdown on other inmates after he posted a photo of a large Cannabis plant that he’d grown in his cell. To boast about his green thumb, Dozy Zendarski took a selfie with the plant using a smuggled smartphone and posted it to Facebook. When it went viral, prison officials searched the entire jail and seized numerous phones and other banned items from […]
Read more75%: The percentage of wages earned by full-time black and Latino retail workers relative to their white counterparts, according to a June 2 report from the NAACP and the liberal think tank Demos.
Read moreFactor by which a placebo for Parkinson’s disease is more effective when the patient is told it costs $1,500 rather than $100: 2
Read moreA 60-year-old Dutch man received a brain implant to cure his obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suddenly became a fanatical Johnny Cash fan. The patient said his doctors, “kept listening simply and solely to Johnny Cash.”
Read moreAt least 235 people have died in 75 mass shootings since the Sandy Hook massacre of 20 schoolchildren and six adults in December 2012.
Read morePercentage of Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2014 primary-campaign contributions that came from the United States: 90 That came from three U.S. families: 30
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