For every deceased person who is buried, four are now cremated.
Read moreFor every deceased person who is buried, four are now cremated.
Read moreWomen accounted for a record 22% of legislators worldwide last year, according to the Interparliamentary Union.
Read morePercentage change in the per-capita consumption of alcohol by Britons since 1960: +102
Read moreA New Zealand man who was bitten by a shark calmly stitched up his own wounds, then joined his friends at the pub while still bleeding and drank a beer before heading to the hospital. James Grant was spearfishing when the shark clamped down on his leg. “[| thought], ‘Bugger, now I have to try and get this thing off,’ “he said. […]
Read moreThe Democratic Republic of the Congo is the worst place in the world to give birth, according to Save the Children. One in 30 Congolese women dies from complications of childbirth, and tens of thousands of them have been impregnated through rape by militants or soldiers. Save the Children ranked countries based on the rates of maternal death and infant […]
Read moreThe almost-bankrupt Italian city of Naples began DNA-testing dog feces on its poop-covered sidewalks, so it can prosecute residents who don’t pick up. “I know some people find it funny that with all the problems the city has, we would focus on dog poop,” said an official.
Read moreItaly and Switzerland have agreed to redraw their border because global warming is melting the Alpine glaciers that mark their respective boundaries. The border had been fixed since 1861.
Read moreThe lower you go on the generational totem pole, the more ethnically diverse you get. Young adults between 18-24 (so-called Millennial) don’t like racial labels because they don’t recognize the dividing lines of the past—they are the vanguard of a “colorblind” culture. But their wildly . diverse life experiences have created an almost-random pattern of values and beliefs, including: • […]
Read moreChance that a U.S. automobile accident occurs when at least one of the drivers is texting or talking on a cell phone: 1 in 4
Read morePercentage of black U.S. children under the age of five who live in poverty: 43
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