10 Best Places to Harness Solar Power

Today’s solar cell technology has its roots in the early days of America’s space program, when in 1958, NASA launched the solar-powered Vanguard I satellite. Solar power technology has become more efficient. But the cost is still two to four times more than other energy sources.   10. The Netherlands Most solar energy in The Netherlands comes from solar cells […]

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Global fossil-fuel emissions predicted to decline for 2015

Annual global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could drop slightly in 2015, according to a report from the Global Carbon Project led by a Stanford University researcher. This surprising result contrasts with the rapid growth in emissions before 2014, underlining the need for action to stabilize and permanently lower global CO2 emissions, the researchers conclude. “In 2014, global CO2 […]

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Mystery Mars Rock Found On Surface

A mystery Mars Rock

Space scientists are trying to figure out how the mystery Mars rock shaped like a jelly doughnut suddenly appeared on Mars’s surface, in full view of the rover Opportunity’s camera. NASA scientists noticed the mystery Mars rock when reviewing images taken by Opportunity as it explored Endeavor Crater. One shot depicted an empty patch of ruddy ground, but the next […]

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Climate report offers a grim forecast

What happened A United Nations panel of the world’s leading environmental scientists issued its most dire warnings on the dangers posed by climate change, saying global warming is already affecting every continent and threatens to devastate food supplies, cause mass extinctions of plants and animals, worsen droughts, and raise the risk of wars over resources. The longer society holds off […]

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Air Pollution At School

Children who attend schools near busy roads could see their brain development hindered by air pollution, according to a new study by Spanish scientists. Researchers in Barcelona spent a year tracking the developmental progress of more than 2,700 children ages 7 to 10 at 39 schools in the city. They found that the cognitive skills of students at schools near […]

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Wilkes Land Anomaly Continues to Baffle Scientists

Wilkes Land Anomaly

Wilkes Land Anomaly Deep beneath the ice of East Antarctica’s Wilkes Land, an enigmatic mass anomaly has continued to puzzle scientists since its discovery. Located under a 300-mile-wide (480 km) impact crater-like structure, the Wilkes Land Anomaly has fueled numerous theories ranging from an asteroid impact site to the remnants of a lost continent—or even, according to some fringe theories, […]

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Antarctica’s Crocodile Icefish : The Frozen Marvel of Antarctica

Antarctica's Crocodile Icefish

Antarctica’s Crocodile Icefish Deep beneath the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean, a unique creature thrives in an environment most fish could never survive—the Crocodile Icefish (Channichthyidae). Found only in the Antarctic’s icy waters, these remarkable fish have evolved some of the most extraordinary adaptations in the animal kingdom, including antifreeze proteins and blood unlike any other vertebrate on Earth. […]

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Antarctica’s Ancient Fossils: A Glimpse into the Past

Antarctica's Ancient Fossils

Antarctica’s Ancient Fossils Deep beneath the ice and snow of Antarctica, a hidden world of prehistoric creatures is being uncovered, offering scientists a glimpse into an era when the now-frozen continent was teeming with life. Recent fossil discoveries suggest that Antarctica was once a lush, temperate land home to dinosaurs, enormous amphibians, and unique plant life. Fossils Tell a Different […]

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Lake Vostok and the Search for Life

Lake Vostok

Deep beneath Antarctica’s thick ice sheet, hidden from sunlight for millions of years, lies Lake Vostok – one of the most mysterious and scientifically intriguing places on Earth. This sub-glacial lake, buried under more than two miles of ice, could hold vital clues about life’s ability to exist in extreme environments, including the possibility of extraterrestrial organisms on icy moons […]

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