The human side of the oil industry

The temporary housing settlements of Williston, N.D., might seem like an unlikely haunt for archaeologists. Nonetheless, a team of “punk archaeologists” are there, finding the history in the present by peering into the lives of people at the heart of North Dakota’s oil industry. Thanks to the lucrative nature of the “Bakken boom” — the ongoing oil drilling in North […]

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Pope Francis’ Revolution To Save Earth’s Ecosystem

Pope Francis Encyclical To Save Earth's Ecosystem

Pope Francis’ climate encyclical went well beyond any sermons, delving into fields familiar to any Catholic, such as Scripture and theology, but also wandering into sociology, politics, urban planning, economics, globalization, biology and other areas of scientific research. It’s main focus, saving Earth’s Ecosystem. Divided into six chapters, “Laudato Si” began by outlining a myriad of issues affecting the planet: […]

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Buzz Aldrin Survived Arctic Health Crisis


On Dec 1st 2016, 86 year old former astronaut Buzz Aldrin was evacuated from the South Pole after his health deteriorated during a trip with a tourist group visiting the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. After being transported to Christchurch, the Antarctic program’s logistics hub in New Zealand, Aldrin was transferred to a local medical facility, where he was responding well […]

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The environmental costs of a Thanksgiving meal

It’s easy to romanticize the 1621 coming-together of the Wampanoag tribe with the struggling European settlers, which many people now view as the original Thanksgiving. From an environmental perspective, the nostalgic urge is stronger still. The carbon footprint of the first Thanksgiving meal was approximately zero. Seventeenth-century farmers grew food, ate food and used those calories to grow more food. […]

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2015 Arctic Circle Assembly

Event Type: Conferences and Workshops When: 16 October 2015 to 18 October 2015   Where: Reykjavik, Iceland More information: The 2015 Arctic Circle Assembly is due to convene in the coming weeks. The Arctic Circle is the largest global gathering on the Arctic. It is attended by heads of state and governments, ministers, members of parliament, officials, experts, scientists, […]

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Pope Francis’ Tough Stance On Climate Change

Pope Francis

In 2015, Pope Francis, the leader the Catholic Church, issued the first-ever comprehensive set of Vatican teachings on climate change, in the form of an encyclical—or “papal letter”—sent to churches worldwide. Plans also include personally lobbying for climate action action in a series of high profile meetings ahead of the all-important UN global warming negotiations in Paris. A papal letter […]

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Climate encyclical sent strong moral message to the world

Climate encyclical

Lima, Peru A look back on Pope Francis’ climate encyclical on ecology and climate shows that it sent a strong moral message — a message that made some readers uncomfortable, some observers said. Before the encyclical, Archbishop Pedro Barreto Jimeno of Huancayo, Peru,”The encyclical will address the issue of inequality in the distribution of resources and topics such as the […]

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