Antarctica’s Native Insect

Antarctica’s Native Insect - Antarctica Journal News

Antarctica’s native insect, the Antarctic Midge is a flightless insect that can survive nine months frozen at temps of at least negative 15 degrees Celsius.  It loses about 70% of its body fluids and can live for about a month without oxygen.  The midge survives because of its combination of rapid cold hardening and warm temperatures in its underground habitat.  […]

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When the Red Planet was partly blue

Astronomers have found the strongest evidence yet that ancient Mars had a massive ocean for millions of years— an indication that the Red Planet once had everything necessary to support life. Shortly after Mars formed 4.5 billion years ago, NASA scientists say, the planet was wet, with enough water to cover the entire planet to a depth of about 450 […]

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Galactic turmoil ahead

The Milky Way and its closest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, are on course for “ a head-on collision,” says astronomer Roeland van der Marel of the Space Telescope Science Institute. But no need for precautions because the crash won’t happen for another 4 billion years. Researchers have long known that Andromeda, currently some 2.5 million light-years away, is moving toward […]

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Cleaning Up China’s Dirty Streets

“The Chinese need to learn that public spaces aren’t garbage dumps”, said Raymond Zhou. During a recent national holiday, visitors dropped a staggering 32 tons of litter in Tiananmen Square in just four days. Beijing’s army of street cleaners rushed in and quickly cleaned up the mess. But large areas of the country don’t have those resources, and by the […]

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Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica's Subterranean Ecosystem

Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem is quite interesting. In Antarctica researchers have found an undersea ecosystem under an iceberg that broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula.  They say that Antarctica’s Subterranean Ecosystem has been hidden for over 120 thousand years.  As the iceberg moves it will reveal about 2240 square miles of seafloor that has been hidden from light.  The scientists will […]

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West Antarctic Ice Melt Affects Sea Level Rise

New research indicates that accelerating ice loss in vulnerable West Antarctic ice shelves is almost inevitable in the coming century as surrounding waters warm. This development could suggest that previous predictions of one to three feet of sea level rise by 2100 were too conservative. The study reveals that, irrespective of aggressive human efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions and […]

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