Global fossil-fuel emissions predicted to decline for 2015

Annual global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could drop slightly in 2015, according to a report from the Global Carbon Project led by a Stanford University researcher. This surprising result contrasts with the rapid growth in emissions before 2014, underlining the need for action to stabilize and permanently lower global CO2 emissions, the researchers conclude. “In 2014, global CO2 […]

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Climate report offers a grim forecast

What happened A United Nations panel of the world’s leading environmental scientists issued its most dire warnings on the dangers posed by climate change, saying global warming is already affecting every continent and threatens to devastate food supplies, cause mass extinctions of plants and animals, worsen droughts, and raise the risk of wars over resources. The longer society holds off […]

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Heat is heading for new extremes

Heatwaves that used to arrive once every 20 years or so could become annual events by 2075 across almost two-thirds of the planet’s land surface – if humans go on burning ever more fossil fuels and releasing ever more greenhouse gases. Claudia Tebaldi, visiting scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research, and Michael Wehner, senior staff scientist at […]

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Penguins Relocate as Ice Melts and Plants Spread

Penguins Relocate, resulting in many other geological changes. The Antarctic Peninsula, one of the fastest-warming regions on Earth, is experiencing significant environmental changes due to rising temperatures. As the ice retreats, both the physical landscape and the region’s delicate ecosystems are undergoing dramatic transformations. A major consequence of this warming is the shifting distribution of penguin colonies. These iconic birds, […]

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Antarctica’s ice sheet and The Landscape Below

A groundbreaking new map offers an unprecedented glimpse beneath Antarctica’s ice sheet, revealing the continent’s hidden topography with remarkable precision. This high-resolution terrain map, known as the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA), was released by researchers at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in September 2018. The REMA provides detailed imagery down to the size of a car in some areas, […]

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The Seasons Of Antarctica

Winter in Antarctica, it is dark all of the time. In the Antarctic summer, (between January and March, when there is plenty of daylight—twenty-four hours a day! In September, the Sun rises, and then doesn’t set again until March. Why does Antarctica have six whole months of darkness in the winter and six whole months of lightness in the summer? […]

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Weather Channel Founder Claims ‘Global warming the greatest scam in history’

The open deliberation about environmental change is done – on the grounds that it has been completely demonstrated NOT to exist, one of the world’s best known environmental change doubter has asserted. John Coleman, who helped to establish the Weather Channel, stunned scholastic’s by demanding the hypothesis of man-rolled out atmosphere improvement was no more deductively dependable. Rather, what ‘little […]

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Ice Levels In Antarctica Increasing

Cynic contentions that Antarctica is picking up ice every now and again rely on a slip of oversight, to be specific overlooking the contrast between area ice and ocean ice. In glaciology and especially regarding Antarctic ice, not everything is made equivalent. Give us a chance to consider the accompanying contrasts. Antarctic area ice is the ice which has aggregated […]

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