What Actually Controls the Internet

What Actually Controls the Internet

You won’t believe what actually controls the Internet… The entire internet is controlled by seven actual, physical keys. Four times a year since 2010, a highly secure ritual known as a key ceremony takes place that involves 14 people, 7 keys, and the secret information about what actually controls the Internet. The people conducting the ceremony are part of an […]

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Biggest Gender Reveal Ever

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In the biggest gender reveal ever, Jaren Garcia and his wife have taken the common baby gender reveal to entirely new heights…. Over 15,000 feet high to be precise! In this video you can see the Garcia’s friends and family members awaiting the biggest gender reveal ever of the family’s soon-to-be newest addition. Eager friends and family members wait in […]

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Earth’s bigger, older cousins

Astronomers have discovered the larg­est rocky planet yet, and its existence has profound implications for our understanding of the early universe and the potential for extraterrestrial life. Kepler-10c, which was spotted by NASA’s Kepler space telescope, has a diameter of roughly 18,000 miles—more than twice that of Earth —prompting scientists to create a new class of planets, dubbed “mega-Earths.”The body’s […]

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The peril of domestic drones

Drone warfare is now coming to your own backyard, said Glenn Greenwald. Local police have begun using unmanned Predator drones like those used in Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct surveillance of criminal suspects right here in the U.S. This chilling step toward “a Surveillance State”—without the public’s knowledge or consent— was revealed last week by the Los Angeles Times, which […]

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Girl, 10 saves grandpa

■ Cara Jumper, 10, expected a fun day with her grandpa at the family fishing hole in South Carolina. But when Coy Jumper suffered a stroke and fell into deep water, the petite girl found herself leaping to his rescue and saving him from drowning. Cara then had to drag her 230-pound grandfather a quarter mile through the woods, get […]

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