Next Superpower Countries?

These nations have been dismissed as underdogs and weaklings. But like budding superheroes, they’ve been sitting on hidden talents. And now they’re about to fly. 1. FINLAND SUPERPOWER: INVINCIBLE TEACHERS If you’re a kid in Finland, you don’t start school until you’re 7 years old. There’s almost no homework until you’re a teenager. You don’t wear a uniform, you can […]

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Heavy drinking and binge drinking rise sharply in US counties

As rates of any drinking remained largely unchanged, binge drinking and heavy drinking have increased at the county level, influenced mainly by higher rates of drinking among women SEATTLE – Today, Americans are more likely to be heavy drinkers and binge drinkers than in recent years due in large part to rising rates of drinking among women, according to a […]

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UFO’s Falling To Earth In China

Inhabitants of towns in the Heilongjiang area of China reported three UFOs tumbled from the sky on Friday morning, as per the China News Service. The roundabout, metallic articles collided with the ground of two provinces after “villagers heard…a tremendous piercing sound, and after that a few villagers saw a major fireball” that in the long run fell in a […]

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The city of Xi’an, China has built an air purifier that stands 330 feet tall to clean the air of its pollution.  Xi’an is home to 8.7 million people, is one of the oldest cities in China, and it has the worst air pollution in the whole country due to its coal burning heating systems.  During Autumn and Winter, the […]

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Beijing, China – Social Credit System

Beijing, China – Social Credit System

By the year 2020 Beijing will be using a credit system to rate their 22 million residents by how they make purchases, their personal behaviors, if they have traffic violations, and how their financial history looks to rate their trustworthiness.   The system will then rank each resident by number.  The higher their number the better perks they will get like […]

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Kim Jong Un Creates Pleasure Squad

Pyongyang, North Korea Pleasure squad: Now that the mourning period for his father Kim Jong II is over, dictator Kim Jong Un is creating a “pleasure squad” of pretty women. South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo reported that Kim has ordered that young women be recruited from across North Korea and trained as singers, dancers, and concubines so they can entertain him […]

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Mutant Butterflies In Fukushima

Mutant Butterflies

Researchers in Japan say they have found evidence that radiation from the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident has caused the mutation of dozens of butterflies. The mutant butterflies are assumed to be just one of many affected wildlife species. The mutant butterflies have been shown to have stunted wings, irregularly developed eyes, disfigured antennas and different color […]

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The peril of domestic drones

Drone warfare is now coming to your own backyard, said Glenn Greenwald. Local police have begun using unmanned Predator drones like those used in Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct surveillance of criminal suspects right here in the U.S. This chilling step toward “a Surveillance State”—without the public’s knowledge or consent— was revealed last week by the Los Angeles Times, which […]

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