Unauthorized GM crops face intensified oversight

China will further step up the supervision of genetically modified food technologies to prevent commercial cultivation of unauthorized varieties, a senior rural affairs official said. The call follows several suspected cases of farmers illegally growing genetically modified crops in the country. “We need to work to prevent unauthorized varieties from entering markets illegally, starting from the very beginning of the […]

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SONIC ATTACK in Guangzhnou, China

SONIC ATTACK in Guangzhnou, China

American citizens in China have been given a Health Alert.  Some US government employees have complained of hearing strange sounds and having pressure headaches.  One of the employees was sent back to the US for evaluation and the results came back as a mild traumatic brain injury.  China is now investigating this situation.  Back in 2016 Secretary of State Rex […]

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China’s Moon Missions

China’s Moon Missions

The stage has been set for a new space race between China and the US.  China has sent a lunar lander to the dark side of the moon.  Since communication is not feasible from the dark side the Chinese had to send a relay satellite up in a specific location so that they can transmit information from the craft and […]

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Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerous levels.  If drastic action is not taken soon it will become a bigger killer than cancer by the year 2050.  The report shows that at least 2 million people in the US are infected each year with germs that are resistant […]

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Ghana: Why are the Chinese miners here?

Ghana has sold its soul to China, said Alex Bossman Baafi. Small-scale gold-mining permits are reserved by law for native-born Ghanaians only. Yet Chinese immigrants are operating illegal gold mines all over the country, with expensive machinery and guards armed with illegal guns. These miners hurt the environment by razing our forests and dumping toxic mining by-products like cyanide into […]

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A House that’s stuck in the 1950’s

The House of Representatives doesn’t represent America as it really is today, said Timothy Egan. The Republican-controlled House governs a “fantasy nation created in talk-radio land,” where black and gay people don’t exist, women remain subservient, and all gun-safety legislation is a step toward tyranny. Thanks to strategic redrawing of districts, Republicans managed to maintain a 33-seat advantage in the […]

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