Mystery Mars Rock Found On Surface

A mystery Mars Rock

Space scientists are trying to figure out how the mystery Mars rock shaped like a jelly doughnut suddenly appeared on Mars’s surface, in full view of the rover Opportunity’s camera. NASA scientists noticed the mystery Mars rock when reviewing images taken by Opportunity as it explored Endeavor Crater. One shot depicted an empty patch of ruddy ground, but the next […]

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Possible Mars Ring

Possible Mars Ring

Possibly in the next 40 million years Mars may develop a ring around it.  NASA says that it is quite possible because the moon Phobos of Mars is getting closer to the planet.  It is on a collision course where instead of it colliding with the planet it will break up and make a ring around it.  Another theory is […]

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InSight Steers Toward Mars

InSight Steers Toward Mars

NASA’s InSight Steers Toward Mars. The InSight lander has made its first course correction towards Mars. InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, is the first mission dedicated to exploring the deep interior of Mars. The lander is currently encapsulated in a protective aeroshell, which launched on top of an Atlas V 401 rocket on […]

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Lake Found on Mars

Lake Found on Mars

Researchers have found water on Mars in a reservoir of salty, liquid water measuring about 12 miles across and almost a mile deep on the planets south pole.  This may not be the only one of the planet and it could be the source of more information regarding life on this planet. Over a billion years ago this planet may […]

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Strange Plumes On Mars

  Mysterious plumes of gas rising more than 150 miles above the surface of Mars have left scientists confounded. On two occasions in the spring of 2012, amateur astronomers spotted a cloud developing on the surface of the Red Planet. The plumes, which spanned about 600 miles in diameter and changed shape constantly, appeared within a few hours and remained […]

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NASA Highlights Drought, Mars, Arctic Warming at Science Conference

Long ago, in the largest canyon system in our solar system, vibrations from “marsquakes” shook soft sediments that had accumulated in Martian lakes. The shaken sediments formed features that now appear as a series of low hills apparent in a geological map based on NASA images. The map was released today by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This map of […]

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Researchers claim that they have found a lake of underground water on Mars.  Now we need to question whether or not there is actual life in this lake water.  The lake measures approximately 12.5 miles (20KM) wide and about 1 mile (1.5KM) below the surface according to a study at the National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna. With this find […]

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Titan’s Surface Much Like That of Earth

Titan's Surface Much Like That of Earth

Saturn’s moon Titan may be light-years away from Earth, but the two bodies have many characteristics in common: Wind, rain, volcanoes, tectonics and other Earth-like conditions all sculpt features on Titan, but act in an environment many times colder than Antarctica. “It is really surprising how closely Titan’s surface resembles Earth’s,” said Rosaly Lopes, a planetary geologist at NASA’s Jet […]

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