Beijing, China – Social Credit System

Beijing, China – Social Credit System

By the year 2020 Beijing will be using a credit system to rate their 22 million residents by how they make purchases, their personal behaviors, if they have traffic violations, and how their financial history looks to rate their trustworthiness.   The system will then rank each resident by number.  The higher their number the better perks they will get like […]

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Coffee limits liver damage

Drinking three or more alcoholic beverages per day increases the likelihood of developing liver cancer, but research now suggests that drinking coffee may help offset that risk. In an ongoing analysis of cancer rates, scientists from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) looked at data from 34 previous studies involving 8 million adults, including 24,600 diagnosed with liver cancer. They […]

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Bus Sized Dinosaur Found

Bus Sized Dinosaur Found - Antarctica Journal News

Researchers have found a bus sized dinosaur. A new species of sauropod that lived about 80 million years ago in Egypt.  Paleontologists found the remains in the Sahara Desert of the bus size dinosaur that measured approximately 33 feet long and weighed approximately 5.5 tons.  This long necked, long tailed herbivorous was named Mansourasaurus Shahinae.  It is known that the […]

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