Meiktila, Myanmar – Muslims massacred

A burnt house is seen in Meikhtila

Meiktila, Myanmar Muslims massacred: Newly released satellite photographs have revealed the extent of the sectarian violence in central Myanmar last month, in which Buddhist mobs torched hundreds of Muslim homes, killing at least 43 people. According to Human Rights Watch, the group that released the images, more than 860 buildings in the town of Meiktila were destroyed damaged or incinerated […]

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China looking to access Antarctica with permanent airfield

China Antarctica Airfield

The frigid continent of Antarctica could prove to be the next location to become a geopolitical battleground, as China announcedthat it is preparing to build its first permanent airfield at the South Pole. The location, about 17 miles away from the Zhongshan Antarctic Station, was surveyed by the 33rd Antarctic expedition in 2017 and will “greatly facilitate the nation’s research […]

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Hungarian power grab

Budapest Power grab: In the face of mass protests and international condemnation, the Hungarian parliament has overwhelmingly passed 15 pages of amendments to the country’s 1-year-old constitution that practically abolish all judicial checks on the government. The amendments retroactively restore a number of controversial laws that were passed by the right-wing Fidesz government but subsequently ruled unconstitutional by the courts. […]

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50 Ways To Help The Planet

Plant a notion “Going green” doesn’t have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference.The contents of this list might not be new, but they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things take root. 1. Change your light If every household in the United State replaced one regular lightbulb […]

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Surviving the night shift

Working while everyone else is sleeping takes a serious toll on a person’s health. Clocking in to work nights or irregular and rotating shifts is associated with more stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as being sedentary and following an unhealthy diet, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health issues, new research reveals. Scientists found that […]

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