Boy’s eyes stolen

Linfen, China A suspected Chinese organ trafficker gouged out the eyes of a 6-year-old boy to steal the corneas for the black market. The boy was playing outside his house in Shanxi province last weekend when a woman kidnapped and drugged him. His parents found him hours later with bloody eye sockets, and the eyeballs were found nearby missing the […]

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Signs of Deep Water Inside the Moon

Is There Water Deep Inside the Moon?

Scientists are beginning to believe that there is a substantial amount of deep water inside the moon under its dusty exterior.  When the astronauts were on the moon during the Apollo missions back in the 1970’s they found some glass beads that were formed when magma from volcanic eruptions was cooled rapidly and trapped water.  The scientists found that these […]

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A group of four burglars stole some computers and office supplies from the Taminmin College in Humpty Doo, Australia.  They used some crocodiles in their entry to the office by throwing them through the window to gain access.  They must have known that they would be recorded during this caper because they were shirtless and had masks on their heads.  […]

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‘Suicidal deer’ sign making Illinois drivers take notice

They’ve left no notes behind. And it’s fairly certain they’re not doing it for the insurance money. But “suicidal deer” are apparently such a big problem in Paxton, Ill. that its county is installing signs to warn drivers. Calling the deer “suicidal,” of course, may be something of a misnomer. More likely, they just don’t know to be cautious around […]

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Radiation from medical scans

Patients are getting larger and perhaps even dangerous doses of radiation from the growing number of advanced medical-imaging tests being ordered by doctors, a new study says. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, analyzed data from millions of patients who received medical treatment between 1996 and 2010. They found that the number of patients who underwent CT scans […]

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