Death By Coke

A mother-of-eight, 30, died suddenly from a cardiac arrest because she drank up to 18 pints of Coke every day for years, a coroner has ruled. Natasha Harris died at home in Invercargill on New Zealand’s south island. An inquest revealed that she would drink at least four 2.5 litre bottles of the fizzy drink each day, consuming more than […]

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Russian Spy Whale

Russian Spy Whale - Antarctica News Journal

A beluga whale has decided that it doesn’t want to leave a Norwegian port.  It has decided that humans are something to play with.  Russian Spy Whale On the harness there was an inscription – Property of St. Petersburg.  A Russian spy whale? Since beluga don’t usually like being around humans it was very strange to spot this one outside […]

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Surviving the night shift

Working while everyone else is sleeping takes a serious toll on a person’s health. Clocking in to work nights or irregular and rotating shifts is associated with more stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as being sedentary and following an unhealthy diet, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health issues, new research reveals. Scientists found that […]

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Sodas speed up aging

Drinking sugary sodas has been proved to lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart attacks. Now researchers have found evidence that the drinks could also speed up the body’s aging process. One of the signs of the aging process is that the caps on the end of people’s chromosomes, known as telomeres, tend to shrink. When scientists at the University of […]

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Dangers at the stoplight

Red lights may prevent deadly auto accidents, but waiting at one poses a different kind of hazard to your health. Car exhausts emit harmful pollutants, known as nanoparticles, which have been linked to heart and lung disease. When researchers from the University of Surrey in England analyzed drivers’ exposure to these pollutants at various points in their typical daily commutes, […]

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Restaurants serving horse meat in European Union. Supermarkets too!!

supermarkets and restaurants serving horse meat

Horsemeat is passing for ground beef in supermarkets all over Europe, said Hugh Camegy in the Financial Times. Claims have also been made that there are restaurants serving horse meat. It has been found in Findus’s frozen lasagna, Tesco’s frozen hamburgers, and even Burger King’s Whoppers in the U.K., France, Sweden, and beyond. The horsemeat makes its way to dinner […]

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Becoming Barbie

■    A California woman is getting plastic surgery to become a real-life Barbie—and hypno-therapy to make her as dumb as a doll. “I just want to be the  ultimate Barbie,” said Blondie Bennett, 38. “Being brainless is a big part of that.” Bennett has spent over $41,000 on plastic surgery, lip fillers, and Botox to make herself look like a […]

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