Great Government Giveaways

The Dutch city of Utrecht will give unconditional monthly payments of about $1,000 to select citizens starting in January 2016 to see whether “basic income” can work as a means of welfare. Various other governments have resorted to unusual handouts to achieve certain ends: DUBAI City officials tried to boost public transport in November by raffling off prizes, including 8.8-lb. […]

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Brains Found Along Street In Upstate NY

The discovery of nine brains which were found along a street in the upstate town of Gouverneur, NY had residents turning their heads. However, authorities confirmed that they were believed to have been part of a collection for educational or research purposes. Criminal activity has been ruled out, but nobody seems to know how they got there. Local residents discovered […]

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Neanderthal Genes Influence Humans

Back about 40,000 years ago the Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens coexisted for several thousand years in Eurasia.  Researchers have found that during the coexistence they were able to breed.  Humans that are not of African heritage do show Neanderthal DNA throughout their homo sapien genes.  A study shows that about 40% of Neanderthal genes are contained in modern human genes. […]

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VR Headsets For Chickens

■ An Iowa State University professor has developed a virtual reality headset for chickens that will fool factory-farmed hens into thinking they’re free-range. The gadget uses a special headset that lets caged chickens pad around a virtual farmyard, pecking at virtual bugs. “I did a lot of work to get the technology right,” said inventor Austin Stewart. He admits that […]

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