OJ + cookies = trouble

■ O.J. Simpson was caught red-handed trying to steal more than a dozen cookies from a Nevada prison cafeteria, says the National Enquirer. The former gridiron great who is serving 33 years for armed robbery, was walking to his cell after lunch when a guard noticed a bulge in his jumpsuit. “Everyone thought he had smuggled in a cellphone” said […]

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Divorcee Erects Ultimate Revenge On Ex

A Michigan man has taken revenge on his ex-wife and her new lover by buying the house next door and erecting a giant yard sculpture of a hand flipping the bird. Detroit strip club owner Alan Markovitz spent$7,000 on the 12-foot-tall bronze statue,which is illuminated by a spotlight at night. But Markovitz says the middle-finger salute is aimed not at […]

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Holy Eggplant!!!

A Louisiana chef had a religious experience when he cut open an eggplant and found the word “God” spelled out by the seeds inside. Line cook Jermarcus Brady was sauteing vegetables at a Baton Rouge restaurant when he sliced the eggplant in half and suddenly saw the “miraculous image.” Brady, a father of four, said his faith had gotten him […]

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UFO’s Falling To Earth In China

Inhabitants of towns in the Heilongjiang area of China reported three UFOs tumbled from the sky on Friday morning, as per the China News Service. The roundabout, metallic articles collided with the ground of two provinces after “villagers heard…a tremendous piercing sound, and after that a few villagers saw a major fireball” that in the long run fell in a […]

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Eyeball Licking -Japanese Craze

Eyeball Licking

Japanese schoolchildren have been swept up in a new craze— eyeball licking. The bizarre practice, known as “worming” supposedly is an expression of intimacy, and was sparked by a music video in which a woman licks the lead singer’s eye. Ophthalmologists warned that the practice is causing scratched corneas and infections that could lead to blindness. But Japanese teens have […]

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