Why the obese keep eating

Could obesity be treated as a form of drug addiction? A new study suggests that some overweight people may be addicted to eating in the same way that, say, a cocaine addict craves another hit of his favorite drug. Researchers at Yale University gave a small group of young women questionnaires to determine their levels of food addiction. Then they […]

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Religious Cleansing in Saudi Arabia

Khafji, Saudi Arabia Christian roundup: Saudi authorities last week arrested an entire congregation of Christians worshipping in a private home. The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Saudi Arabia’s morality police, detained 28 men and women in the home of an Indian national and seized copies of the Bible. The prisoners’ fate is unknown. Saudi Arabia […]

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This Is America on Drugs

We’re more reliant than ever on prescription medications. Should we be worried?   Looking at the numbers alone, the U.S. runs almost entirely on Prozac and heart pills. They’re among the most prescribed medications, according to our national annual checkup from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which this year included a special report highlighting the ever growing […]

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Native Americans’ Siberian Roots

Native Americans’ Siberian Roots have been documented in recent research. The skeleton of a girl who died over 12k years ago has provided DNA confirming evidence that Native Americans must have originally migrated from Siberia.   Analysis of the DNA showed a genetic marker commonly found in today’s Native American population. Human geneticist Chris Tyler says, “From archaeological, genetic, and […]

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The Danger of Keeping Secrets

The Danger of Keeping Secrets

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying “You’re only as sick as your secrets” which you know is one of the hallmarks of alcoholism, addiction, and deception.  The addict keeps the secret to cover up their addiction which leads them to deceive themselves and others.  When alcoholics become sober, they tend to be totally honest with people, to keep themselves from going […]

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