The Danger of Keeping Secrets

The Danger of Keeping Secrets

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying “You’re only as sick as your secrets” which you know is one of the hallmarks of alcoholism, addiction, and deception.  The addict keeps the secret to cover up their addiction which leads them to deceive themselves and others.  When alcoholics become sober, they tend to be totally honest with people, to keep themselves from going […]

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World’s Oldest Bread

World’s Oldest Bread

Researchers have found evidence that hunter-gatherers started making bread 4,000 years prior to starting agriculture.  Evidence of bread making was found in the north-eastern part of Jordan.  The flatbread charred remains were found to have been made some 14,400 years ago. Scientists are trying to find the exact date as to when bread was first made by humans.  They may […]

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Plastic Crisis Resolution

Solve the Plastic Crisis

The European Parliament has put in to affect a ban on single use plastics to battle the plastic crisis.  The new law would make it so that all plastic will need to be recyclable by the year 2030.  Europe will not be importing any foreign products for recycling.  By doing this they plan on creating business opportunities like the way […]

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