Where Jews still aren’t welcome


Anti-Semitism is sweeping Hungary, said Colin Freeman. It’s so bad that the World Jewish Congress held its annual conference in Budapest to express solidarity with beleaguered Hungarian Jews. The Jobbik party, which is openly anti-Roma and anti-Semitic, is now the third-largest party in parliament, and its rise has coincided with a sharp uptick in anti-Semitic attacks and incidents. Jewish leaders […]

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Male Birth Control Pill

Male Birth Control - Antarctica Journal News

It is finally here – the Male Contraceptive Pill.  Male Birth Control Pill Expected to Start Human Trials in 2022. The new non-hormonal pill was 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy in mice. The male birth control pill could offer a more flexible option for men while also reinforcing two important facts: that men and women are both responsible for […]

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Arab Nations Ignore Refugees

Arab Nations Ignore Refugees

Arab Nations Ignore Refugees. There have been over 4 million refugees leaving Syria due to their Civil Unrest that has been going on for over a decade.  Western countries are now trying to figure out how to accommodate all these refugees.  At this time, they are struggling and failing to help these refugees coming into their countries. Some of the […]

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The World’s Healthiest Hearts

The World’s Healthiest Hearts

In the rain forests of Bolivia, the Tsimane people say that they have the healthiest hearts in the world.  This is due to their diet of complex carbohydrates like rice, plantains, and corn with an addition of wild game and fish.  During their daily life they have six hours of exercise and chores.  These people live a pre-industrialized lifestyle that […]

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Pope Gives “OK” For Atheists To Enter Heaven

Pope Gives OK For Atheists To Enter Heaven

In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio Scalfari, stating that non-believers (Atheists) would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences. Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: […]

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