The Truth About Red Meat

The Truth About Red Meat

If you are eating red meat are you at an increase risk of dying from heart disease or cancer?  As for heart disease it is possible because red meat has high levels of saturated fats.  If you have high levels of LDL cholesterol, there is a higher risk of heart disease.  Its not clear that eating red meat will cause […]

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Male Birth Control Pill

Male Birth Control - Antarctica Journal News

It is finally here – the Male Contraceptive Pill.  Male Birth Control Pill Expected to Start Human Trials in 2022. The new non-hormonal pill was 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy in mice. The male birth control pill could offer a more flexible option for men while also reinforcing two important facts: that men and women are both responsible for […]

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Irish Healing Soil

Irish Healing Soil

Researchers have found soil that is from the Boho Highlands of Fermanagh, Northern Ireland to help with killing some of the world’s deadliest superbugs.  The soil has some unknown strain of bacteria that produces antibiotics.  This healing soil has been used by the people of Boho Highlands for centuries.  Its healing capabilities can help cure the pain from a toothache […]

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Does Painkiller Dull Empathy?

Acetominophen Warning

If you take Acetaminophen for pain you may also be dulling your empathy.  Over 50 million people take acetaminophen for their pain every week, but it may also dull your sensitivity to others pain and distress.  After taking 1000mg of acetaminophen students were given eight articles to read about very sad family situations.  In this study they showed very low […]

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The children can’t take it anymore

Russian teens are killing themselves en masse, and the authorities “seem oblivious,” said Alexander Tretyakov. The country has long had one of the world’s highest teen suicide rates, and in the past decade it’s gotten worse. Thousands of teens have joined “suicide forums” on Vkontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook. There they share stories of abuse and desperation and trade […]

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