How “stop-and-frisk” backfires

Young people who are randomly stopped for questioning by the police—even if they’ve done nothing wrong—are more likely to engage in criminal behavior later than those who aren’t stopped, a new study has found. University of Missouri researchers say that “stop-and-frisk” programs intended to deter crime may actually create more criminals. Researchers followed 2,600 students for seven years and recorded […]

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Grim contest?

Newtown, Conn. Newtown shooter Adam Lanza may have been trying to compete with Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik when he carried out the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December. Citing law enforcement sources, CBS reported this week that Lanza wanted to beat Breivik’s “score” of 77—the number of deaths in his 2011 killing spree in Oslo and on […]

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Similarities and differences – COVID-19 and influenza

Antarctica Journal Q&A: Similarities and differences – COVID-19 and influenza

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, comparisons have been drawn to influenza. Both cause respiratory disease, yet there are important differences between the two viruses and how they spread. This has important implications for the public health measures that can be implemented to respond to each virus.   How are COVID-19 and influenza viruses similar? Firstly, COVID-19 and influenza […]

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Political Donation Limits For 2016 Federal Elections

Political donation limits

Washington, D.C. Under current FEC political donation limits, which are adjusted for inflation in odd-numbered years, individuals can give up to $5,400 to candidates—$2,700 for their primary campaigns, and another $2,700 for the general election—and up to $33,400 per year to national party committees in the 2016 cycle. Previously, the limit was $2,600 to candidates and $32,400 to national party […]

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New Human Organ Discovered

New Human Organ Discovered

New York University Langone School of Medicine have discovered what might possibly be an unknown organ that lines the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.  This organ may be helping in the transportation of cancer cells around the body.  They discovered this by the use of routine endoscopic procedures where they can enter the patient’s stomach and take a look at […]

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Spring break riot

Santa Barbara, Calif. More than 100 people were arrested and dozens—including six police officers—injured last week when a large spring break party near the University of California, Santa Barbara, deteriorated into a riot. An estimated 15,000 people were at the all-day annual “Deltopia” party at the beach community of Isla Vista, near the Santa Barbara campus. Fighting broke out when […]

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Can Children Grow Out of ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder) is known to affect the child’s ability to pay attention. A study found that 1/3 of the children in the study did have ADHD when they became adults.  It also may find that when they are adults, they may also have other psychic problems, more likely to get arrested, or likely to commit suicide. The children […]

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Crash Cover Up?

New York City Several former federal investigators now say that a missile likely caused the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800, in which all 230 people aboard were killed, and that the official explanation for the disaster was intentionally falsified. The National Transportation Safety Board determined after a four-year investigation that a fuel tank explosion had caused the crash, which […]

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