Plastic Crisis Resolution

Solve the Plastic Crisis

The European Parliament has put in to affect a ban on single use plastics to battle the plastic crisis.  The new law would make it so that all plastic will need to be recyclable by the year 2030.  Europe will not be importing any foreign products for recycling.  By doing this they plan on creating business opportunities like the way […]

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China’s Ecological Mess

Thousands of pigs were found dead in rivers supplying Shanghai’s water, a grisly discovery that has drawn attention again to China’s toxic pollution, which contributes to some 700,000 deaths each year. Here are some points of concern: WASTE Tai Lake—a massive basin that holds China’s third largest body of freshwater, providing water for 30 million people—has been classified as a […]

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Demographic suicide

Among the consequences of Europe’s aban-Ife donment of its religious roots and the moral “code that derives therefrom is a plunge in its birth rates to below the replacements level. Abortion, birth control, acceptance of gay marriage and casual sex are driving the trend. Europe is “committing demographic suicide, systematically depopulating itself,” according to Weigel. United Nations population statistics back […]

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Police in Japan have reported that crime is at a minimum and that they have nothing to do.  They say that there has only been one gun homicide since 2015 when they made firearms illegal.   Gun control is the major reason for this low homicide rate.  Japanese Law states that no person is allowed to own a firearm or sword.  […]

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