Chuck McCarthy – The People Walker of LA

If you want to go for a walk but don’t want to go alone, you can call Chuck McCarthy and he will come walk with you for $7 a mile. While you are walking you have someone to talk to that will listen and you don’t need a leash. Since he is an underemployed actor, he thought “what can I do for money?” It was first thought of as a joke, but it has turned out to be a money maker and it’s fun. He gets a lot of repeat customers.
When his clients talk to him it’s not like a confessional, but he does keep what his clients tell him in confidence. While on most of the walks they do a lot of small talk. It feels a lot better to complain about the traffic, the weather, or people when you talk to a person instead of type it online in social media.
Chuck has been so busy that he has had to bring in some extra walkers. Some of his Facebook comments recommend him and call him the people whisperer. Walking with his clients gives them a change of being shut-ins and brings them out into the clean air and off their phones. Because they are talking to a real person, they are able to get immediate response. Besides the people contact you are getting some exercise.
Chuck still hopes to become a professional actor someday.