Fifth Grader Grew His Hair to Donate it to Cancer Patients

Thomas Moore a fifth grader from Maryland decided that he wanted to help cancer patients by donating his hair. It took him two years to get it long enough to donate. The longer his hair grew he had to keep it in cornrows to help it stay nice and tame. After a while the braids started to hurt his head, but he kept going so that he could donate the hair.
While he was watching a video on Facebook he saw a little girl that was bald and asked his mom why she was bald. She explained to him that when people go through cancer treatments that they lose their hair. He decided that he needed to help these children by donating his hair for wigs.
After he had his hair cut off they were able to put together three wigs.
Before his hair cut his aunt decided that she would take before and after photos to show people on Twitter what he had done. After she had posted those pictures they noticed that there had been over 62,000 retweets.
Thomas has decided to do it again after having a year off to enjoy having short hair.