Giant Meteor Gets 13% of American Votes Over Trump or Clinton

Americans have expressed extreme frustration with their main choices in the 2016 presidential election. They’ve either got Hillary Clinton, the Wall Street boosting autocrat or the outspoken Donald Trump.
As a test to see exactly how dissatisfied the American public is with their voting options, the Public Policy Polling firm suggested a hypothetical third candidate in their latest 2016 election poll: A Giant Meteor. They didn’t just mean a giant meteor whirling through deep space either. Public Policy Polling wanted to find out how many Americans would rather have a giant meteor hit the Earth than have either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president.
Surprisingly, the giant meteor garnered a fair amount of votes.
Surprisingly, just over 6% percent of poll respondents remain undecided when it boils down to choosing between Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or a blazing asteroid smashing into our planet with (presumably) extinction-level speed. All in all, with the continuously building following, maybe a few campaign commercials on TV, and a solid endorsement or two, Giant Meteor could reach a much higher percent. Only time will tell, but we may have a real race on our hands.