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Giant Meteor Gets 13% of American Votes Over Trump or Clinton

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Americans have expressed extreme frustration with their main choices in the 2016 presidential election. They’ve either got Hillary Clinton, the Wall Street boosting autocrat or the outspoken Donald Trump.

As a test to see exactly how dissatisfied the American public is with their voting options, the Public Policy Polling firm suggested a hypothetical third candidate in their latest 2016 election poll: A Giant Meteor. They didn’t just mean a giant meteor whirling through deep space either. Public Policy Polling wanted to find out how many Americans would rather have a giant meteor hit the Earth than have either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president.

Surprisingly, the giant meteor garnered a fair amount of votes.



We find that the Meteor would poll at 13%- far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot- with Clinton at 43% and Trump at 38%. The Meteor is particularly appealing to independent voters, functionally in a three way tie at 27% to 35% for Clinton and 31% for Trump.PPP


Surprisingly, just over 6% percent of poll respondents remain undecided when it boils down to choosing between Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or a blazing asteroid smashing into our planet with (presumably) extinction-level speed. All in all, with the continuously building following, maybe a few campaign commercials on TV, and a solid endorsement or two, Giant Meteor could reach a much higher percent. Only time will tell, but we may have a real race on our hands.