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Researchers Flock To The Arctic
As the polar ice caps retreat due to global warming, researchers are flocking to the Arctic to catalog the region's unique biodiversity and discover any hidden secrets before they are gone. Video provided by AFP. Source:AFP / Powered by NewsLook.com ...
West Antarctic Ice Melt Affects Sea Level Rise
New research indicates that accelerating ice loss in vulnerable West Antarctic ice shelves is almost inevitable in the coming century as surrounding waters warm. This development could suggest that previous predictions of one to three feet of sea level rise ...
Pyramids Spotted In Antarctica – Real or Hoax?
After an adventurous expedition a group of explorers have reportedly discovered several strange man-made ancient pyramids in Antarctica. For those who don't already know, "when life first came onto the land, Antarctica was one of the continental landmasses to be ...
Tracing The Moon’s Origins
Some new thinking may have brought astronomers a step closer to solving the mystery of how our moon formed. Researchers have long believed that the moon was cleaved from a Mars-sized planet that collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ...
U.S. Cities are at Risk for Coastal Flooding
There are five US cities that are at risk of flooding due to rising sea levels. They are Miami, Tampa, Boston, New York City, and New Orleans. Miami’s flooding risk comes not only from the high tides but from the ...
North Atlantic doubles carbon intake
The North Atlantic Ocean is responding rapidly to climate change: it has absorbed 50% more carbon from human activities in the last 10 years,than in the previous decade, a new study shows. In effect, it has become both a sink for the ...
Life of Penguins
When an El Nino hits, the lives of penguins are in peril. During the 1997 El Nino the penguin population fell by a third. During Climate Change a difference in temperature of at least one degree can be a life ...
Extreme Weather Predicted After Hottest Decade on Record
Due to high temperatures recently the UN (United Nations) has declared that the high temperatures will influence extreme weather conditions now and in the near future. The World Meteorological Organization has reported that 2016 was the hottest year on record ...
Mystery Crater In Nicaragua
Mystery crater: A 40-foot crater has appeared in the ground near Managua airport. Nicaraguan authorities said the hole was caused by a meteorite that broke off from the passing Pitbull, or 2014 RC, asteroid. But NASA officials said that was ...
Antarctic Shipwreck Discovered Below Icy Water
The Endurance was a 1915 Antarctic shipwreck which sank about 10,000 feet below an Arctic ice sheet, It was discovered by a team of archaeologists, engineers, and other researchers. The ship belonged to British polar explorer Ernest Shackleton. It sank ...