Poem – Alchemist (By David Russell)

Sing, earth-captured starlight
Purest light to touch the earth
Purest light to flow through day and night
To flood our sense-zone;
Sing through my blinking tubes and phials,
All potions, never poured;
Yet all suffused in afterthought.
My litmus-jewels, made one by burning faces,
turning suns,
That charred the fixed eye, the rooted touch.
Bodies I gel, not cruelly liquefy,
Nor form from glass-defined portions;
I move them, through their opaqueness in my eyes
to their own whole frames and shapes;
Cast by a mould beyond the maker here,
the measurer
And yet exhausting first their full extent.
Fill out, oneself a phial,
Fluted to slender siphoning, a line, a moving;
Love-cornering the loving, clinging eye,
Love cornering skins in darkness, parched and bleached;
Locked in through small breedings
in clean-forgotten courses,
The moss, the earth-polluted tubes, the same.