
Poem – AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD (By R. J. Erbacher)



Dinosaurs lived on this planet

for 165 million years

and God was patient

but then He said

“This ain’t working out so good,”

and He threw a big rock at the earth.


Man has lived here

for less than 10,000 years

and we’ve done far worse than the dinosaurs did

and God’s losing His patients.

He’s standing up there looking down

with His hands behind His back

an even bigger rock in His fist saying

“I’m going to give these assholes one more chance.”


And yet it continues.

We take advantage of all His gifts

abuse the earth, its resources, its animals and its people

consistently fight for dominance, from presidents to children

every person glorifies in their own self importance

we can’t love one another

because we don’t respect one another.

It’s globally repulsive

and we don’t deserve to be forgiven every time.


So my open letter to God is this-

Throw the rock.


~ R. J. Erbacher

