Poem – By Mistake He Later Said (By Donal Mahoney)

Every once in awhile
over the last 40 years
Ralph wondered what might
have happened to the guy
who had moved in with the mother
of his children and drank all the time.
He remembered the kids saying
when they were small
the fellow got up one night
to go to the bathroom
and got lost in the hallway
went back to the wrong room
and got in the wrong bed
with Ralph’s daughter,
by mistake he later said.
Forty years later
in a technicolor nightmare
Ralph saw the guy’s name
blink on a neon billboard
and Ralph Googled him to find
the fellow had won the lottery
and moved to Arizona,
got cancer and died.
None of the children,
adults with families
of their own now, knew
what had happened to him
except for the daughter who
wakes up and Googles him
in the still of the night.
Author Bio:
Donal Mahoney lives in St. Louis, Missouri. He has had fiction and poetry published in various publications in the U.S. and elsewhere. Among them are The Galway Review (Ireland), The Recusant (England), The Missing Slate (Pakistan), Guwahatian Magazine (india), Bluepepper (Australia), The Osprey Journal (Wales), Public Republic (Bulgaria), and The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey). Some of his earliest work can be found at http://booksonblog12.blogspot.com and some of his newer work at http://eyeonlifemag.com/the-poetry-locksmith/donal-mahoney-poet.html#sthash.OSYzpgmQ.gpbT6XZy.dpbs