WorldNetDailyExclusive — http://www.wnd.com/2011/04/292717/
“A Tale of Two Birth Certificates”
That Obama’s birth certificate lists a registrar that appears remarkably like a forger’s signature joke on the word “ukulele” is not the only peculiarity observed in comparing the president’s record with other long-form Hawaiian birth certificates that have been fully authenticated.
Toto, I’ve a feeling the Wichita
lineman is still on the line, and how good
and how pleasant it would be going to
our father’s land which is not in Hono-
lulu but in Kenya, a far cry from
the Kalanianaole Highway,
and whether Verna K. L. Lee could play
the ukulele or not, she could write,
and so could Dr. David A. Sinclair,
and I know how you feel about the name
Hussain – it makes your heart shake with terror,
Barack Hussain Obama, Africa —
but there’s no need – no need to get jumpy,
although I know – it’s all too much to bear.