
Poem – Closer to the Heart: Seven Chinese Character (By Yuan Changming)

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Closer to the Heart: Seven Chinese Character


怒: anger results from slavery

Rising above heart

愁: worry occurs when autumn

Sits high on your heart

意: meaning is defined as

A sound over the heart

念: idea is what today holds

Upon the heart

忘: forgetting happens

When there’s death on heart

忍:to tolerate is to bear a knife

Right above your heart


Author Bio: Yuan Changming

Yuan Changming published monographs on translation before leaving his native country. Currently, Yuan edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Credits include ten Pushcart nominations, eight chapbooks & publications in Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17) & BestNewPoemsOnline, among 1,609 others across 43 countries.