Crossing the Red Line (triptychon III)
1. On the Map
On the map: The red line
of the lignite opencast mine,
an absurdly long compound noun
for an absurd, behind the times
mega project.
What can be found,
here and now,
this side and that side
of the red line?
I experience it by bike.
2. That Side of the Line (Kuckum, Erkelenz, 2021)
A gutter, unswept for months.
A front yard overgrown by weeds,
with a one-metre high dandelion
and over two-metre high bushes,
their branches bowed down
by a multitude of orange-red berries.
Because even the birds seem to
believe there’s nothing to be gotten here.
Not far from there a football field
on whose red gravel
many a player grazed his knees,
now already half covered
by a lush carpet of bright green
Humans yield space,
Nature advances,
reclaims what she’s lost.
That’s normal, isn’t it?
No, it isn’t.
In the no man’s land
between things how they used
to be and will never be again
and things to come that shouldn’t come
nothing is ‘normal’.
For more than the last remains
of hundreds or even thousands of years
of civilization will disappear.
The rest of otherwise resilient
Mother Nature will too
on the staggeringly fast
slide into the oversized pit.
3.This Side of the Line (Wanlo, Moenchengladbach, 2021)
Less than two kilometres
behind the abandoned red-green football field:
Perfectly tutored lawns invite
me to rest and find some peace of mind.
No chance! This immaculate green
is part of a golf course,
bikes forbidden!
So where shall I leave it?
In the private parking area
of the golf club,
with its many mirror polished
SUVs, but empty spaces
in front of two charging poles
for electric cars?
Here too: Prohibition signs,
promising exclusiveness,
guarded by a lion
with greedy, open jaws.
The manor house opposite
is sparkling in the light
of the setting sun –
looking grandly renovated,
advertising upmarket gastronomy
and a petting zoo ‘for the little guests’.
But oh what a shock!
If nothing changes,
The zealous old golfers
And the dear roistering little guests
will soon be less joyful
because the pale, powdery dust
rising from the oversized pit
will cover the fresh green of the golf course,
the tables, chairs, sunshades
of the outdoor gastronomy
plus the backs of the animals
in the petting zoo.
Only the lion won’t
notice the change,
being made of grey stone,
unmoved and inflexible
like the tamers
of the oversized
Very Hungry Caterpillar.***
***The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a very popular German children’s book, also quite popular in various translations.